Thursday, November 13, 2008


The snow fell, leaving a halo of white upon your head,
and that's when I said,
"Can I call you Angel?"

You looked at me with surprise,
but I could see it in your eyes,
and I knew.

As you sang silent night,
your beautiful voice put me at ease,
and I asked please,
"Can I call you Angel?"

A smile came to your face with serenity and grace,
but you said not a word.
In my darkest hours you held my hand,
never leaving my side, and I said, while I cried,
"Can I call you Angel? "

You then began to wipe the tears away
and erase all the gray in my life.
You led me down a path of gold,
telling me of the creator above,
and again I asked with a greater love,
"Can I call you Angel?"

You never answered my plea,
so I fell to my knee in prayer.
As I opened my eyes, I could see you before me;
Your wings spread and a golden halo upon your head
and one last time I said,
"Josslyn, can I call you Angel?"


Friendship is something to hold on to
But for me that's not the case
Cause I don't feel I need to keep
Something that can't be erased

I am sure of what I have
Cause with you I have no doubt
For what we've built, can't ever fail
It's what I care about

I find it hard to describe
This thing that we share
Especially when there's nothing else
That ever could compare

Others always know
That together we will be
For there can never be another
"Tani and Kerrie"

Those two words, known all over
Might as well be one
Cause without a Kerrie, there is no Tani
I'm sorry, it just can't be done

For you're the "U", and I'm the "S"
And forever that will be
Cause together we make "US", and so


Ernesto Guevara de la Serna was born in Rosario, Argentina into a middle-class family of Spanish-Irish descent. Celia de la Serna y Llosa, his mother, had lost her parents while she was still a child. Celia was raised by her religious aunt and her older sister, Carmen de la Serna, who married in 1928 the Communist poet Cayetano Córdova Itúrburu. Guevara's family was liberal, anti-Nazi and anti-Peronist, and not very religious. With Celia's fortune, the family lived comfortably, although Ernerto Guevara Lynch, Ernesto's father, managed to spend much of it in his unlucky business ventures. In his youth Guevara read widely and among his reading list in the 1940s were Sartre, Pablo Neruda, Ciro Alegría, and Karl Marx's Das Kapital. He also kept a philosophical diary and in Africa 1965 Guevara planned to write a biography of Marx.

In 1953 Guevara graduated from the University of Buenos Aires, where he was trained as a doctor. During these years Guevara read Stalin and Mussolini but did not join radical student organizations. He made long travels in Argentina and in other Latin America countries. At the same time his critical views about the expanding economic influence of the United States deepened. In 1952 he made journey with his motor bike, an old Norton 500 single, around South America. The journey opened his eyes about the situation of the Indians and was crucial for the awakening of his social conscience. Like Jack Kerouac later in his book On the Road (1957), Guevara recorded his impressions in The Motorcycle Diaries. "The person who wrote these notes died the day he stepped back on Argentine soil," Guevara wrote in his diary. "Wandering around our 'America with a capital A' has changed me more than I thought."

After witnessing American intervention in Guatemala in 1954, Guevara radicalized and become convinced that the only way to bring about change was by violent revolution. He wrote in a letter to home: "Along the way, I had the opportunity to pass through the dominions of the United Fruit, convincing me once again of just how terrible these capitalist octopuses are. I have sworn before a picture of the old and mourned comrade Stalin that I won’t rest until I see these capitalist octopuses annihilated." In Guatemala Guevara met Hilda Gadea. They married 1955 and had one child. Guevara was arrested with Fidel Castro in Mexico for a short time. He had joined Castro's revolutionaries to overthrow the Batista government. In 1956 they loaded 38-feet long motor yacht Granma full of guerrillas and weapons and sailed to Cuba, landing near Cabo Cruz on December 2.

They made their base in the mountains of Sierra Maestra, attacking garrisons and recruiting peasants to the revolutionary army. In the areas controlled by the guerrillas, Guevara started land reform and socializing process. In spite of his chronic asthma, Guevara enjoyed the hard conditions and war. Land reform become the slogan, the "banner and primary spearhead of our movement" as Guevara described it in an interview, that made eventually peasants participate in the armed struggle. Guevara was respected by his men, although considered violent - he shot Eutimio Guerra who had cooperated with dictator Fulgencio Batista's army.

In the mountains Guevara met Aleida March in 1958, 24-year-old revolutionary fighter, and she became Guevara's second wife in 1959. He continued to write his diary and composed also articles for El Cubano Libre. A selection of Gurvara's articles, which he wrote between 1959 and 1964, was published in 1963 as PASAJES DE LA GUERRA REVOLUCIONARIA. For the media Cuba was a hot subject - New York Times, Paris Match and Latin American papers sent reporters to the mountains to make stories of the revolutionaries. At the same time when Guevara was in the mountains, his uncle was Ambassador to Cuba.

Guevara rose to the rank of major and led one of the forces that invaded central Cuba in the late 1958. After the conquest of power in January 1959 Guevara gained fame as the leading figure in Castro's government. He attracted much attention with his speeches against imperialism and US policy in the Third World. He argued strongly for centralized planning, and emphasized creation of the 'new socialist man'. In his famous article, 'Notes on Man and Socialism', he argued that "to build communism, you must build new men as well as the new economic base." The basis of revolutionary struggle is "the happiness of people," the the goal of socialism is the creation of more complete and more devoped human beings.
In 1966 Guevara turned up incognito in Bolivia where he trained and led a guerrilla war in the Santa Cruz region. In his manual Guerrilla Warfare, Guevara had stressed that the guerrilla fighter needs full help from the people of the area, it is an indispensable condition, but Guevara failed to win the support of the peasants and his group was surrounded near Vallegrande by American-trained Bolivian troops. "The decisive moment in a man's life is when he decides to confront death," Guevara once said. "If he confronts it, he will be a hero whether he succeeds or not. He can be a good or a bad politician, but if he does not confront death he will never be more than a politician." After Guevara was captured, Captain Gary Prado Salmón put a security around him to be sure that nothing happened. Guevara told him, "don't worry, captain, don't worry. This is the end. It's finished." (from the document film 'Red Chapters,' 1999) Guevara was shot in a schoolhouse in La Higuera on October 9, 1967, by Warrant Officer Mario Terán of the Bolivian Rangers at the request of Colonel Zenteno. Terán was half-drunk, celebrating his borthday. Guevara's last words were according to some sources: "Shoot, coward you are only going to kill a man." In order to make a positive fingerprint comparison with records in Argentina, Guevara's hand were sawed off and put into a flask of formaldehyde. They were later returned to Cuba. Guevara's corpse was buried in a ditch at the end of the runway site of Vallegrande's new airport. "Che considered himself a soldier of this revolution, with absolutely no concern about surviving it," said Fidel Castro later in Che: A Memoir.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Rose....

Today i wanna share something with you.On my last b'day i got a letter from my beloved Didi(elder sister).It was so nice that i wanna let u all know about this.

A ROSE.......
A rose on your b'day,
A rose to wake you up
with a smile every day.
A rose to answer the
Prayers you sincerly say.

A rose to take you
to the heights of success.
A rose to gift many moments of happiness.

A rose to make your dream come true,
A rose to wish good luck to you.

A rose to be with you in your hour of strife,
A rose to add colors of joy to your life...!!

The Change Begins....!!!

The change,the most awaited one,at last has taken place.
Barack Obama has been selected as the first Afro-American president of the most developed country USA.
After the age of Jeorge Bush,Bill Clinton and Jeorge W. Bush US is going to face a change in every way.
The day Obama was selected as t president,i was vry happy.Coz the change am talkin about is not only for US itself.It will surely affect all the other countries of this world.Some possibilities change in d controversial Nuke deal also lies for India.but it will b quite unfair to say that India will be benifited by India as Obama is a big fan of Indian mythological image Sri Hanuman.
Obama is the first senator from Illionis city to be selected as the president after Sir Abraham Linckon.
Let's wait for the change to change the whole world.


Hey all u readers,plz let me know ur views on love.
Wat all u thnk,wat luv is?
My point of view about love is vry different.everyone says if dere is one girl nd a boy of same age den there is love.
Bt i dont thnk so.luv can b any where lik btwin ne may b man or woman or nature or kids or animal or may b a boy of 18 nd a girl of u should remember dat am talkin about platonic love,only !
Bt apart from love dere is another word called 'attraction'.
Attraction may b d imitial stage of love but love can nt b attraction.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Now a days blast indicates to terrorists.Bomb blasting has become a common way of terrorising the people.And as people are getting panicked,the terrorists are making their profit from this weakpoint of us,we the panicked,the people.
But the recent bomb blast does indicate to a completely opposit thing.People of BADAD were making their courage dat day after two car bomber and a suicide bomber detonated their charges in a crowdy place.
The people were shouting agains the terrorists,who were their own people,as i think.coz the attack was on a US militant area.
D doors of shops were torn apart.
A bus with the school girls was affected by the blast.The total bur was no more including their riders.Later on people find the empty school bags nd torn school shoes of the girls layimg heather and theather.
It was really painfull.

So,why all these bloody things are goin on?why these killings why this insane?
This is the answer that everybody is looking for.

Am bunking another class today !

Hey it's bunking another class today.dat tooth ache is still nt able to close my mouth.
Bt apart from all these sorrows i hav a reason to smile.dat am bunkin class on wednesday.coz it's d only day on wich i hav all d six classes.


BY : Ishan Bose

I decorated my life such that,
Everytime I put a new face.
Destiny lines stopped at my hands,
Destination stopped with whispers of my steps.
I killed the will of my own people,
Everytime putting a new face !!!

I decorated my life such that,
Everytime I got a new name.
Sometimes my mother's son,
Sometimes my father's.
Sometimes my sister's brother,
Or sometimes my lover's love.
I destroyed every relation,of my own,
Getting,everytime,a new name !!!

I decorated mt life such that,
I never understood myself,
I complicated my life,
Choosing,everytime,a new way !!!


HI,You must be knowing me from my profile.Well,am ISHAN.
Am a student at GANDHI INSTITUTE FOR TECHNOLOGY,bhubaneswar.
Am here with my tends - to-best-friend CHIRAG.We all r njoyin here.I hav got some new frnds here like SHASWAT,MAYANK,ARPAN,ABDUL,KAUSHIK,MOVI in my hostel.
In our coleg i hav found frnds like AMAN,ANURAG,SRINIVAS,ASISH,GOPASHREE et al.
I thnk u vry wel know wat all stuffs go on at technical colleges.Same here !!
But i hav no problem,coz dere r 3 seniors who r my frnds;RAVI,PARTHA & MANAS.Beside them i hav som other seniors(bt actualy with me by age.coz i hav dropped 1 year) who help me vry mch;KULDEEP,RAJESH,NIKHIL,SHANTANU et al.
these thngs go on at colleges.what is happening here can nt b called RAGGING.If i wil say dey r jst trying to get mix with us in a different way,dey r tryin to make us first forward.
2day i hav bunked a class,bt no problem.i will sure cover it up.
In our college i hav got great mentors like SUBHISMITA MAA'M,SURYAKANT SIR,DEBABRATA SIR etc.
Nw i hav to go 4 d lunch.
Iwill b back again !!!!!